Write With Me

As well as sharing mindful living and writing ideas here at The Mindful Writer, I teach online writing courses and Zoom workshops, host and teach writing retreats, provide 1-1 sessions and run free weekly writing hours. I would love to work with you to help you connect more deeply and mindfully to your writing.

Join me and a small group of writers for a year of dedicated time with your craft and your relationship with yourself as a writer. Next start date is January 2025.

After 7 years of running the Novel Creator Course, I have adapted my teachings and launched this new novel writing course to take it slow and deep. Starts October 2024.

Meet with me on Zoom to get feedback on specific stories and look at ways you can develop them and your craft.

Join me for a tutored 6-night residential retreat to dedicate time to your craft and enjoy time immersed in your writing.

On Thursday afternoons from 14.00-15.00 UK time, I host a free 1-hour Zoom session where we write alongside each other to give dedicated time to our words.

Zoom workshops

Over at the literary magazine I run, WestWord, I host monthly writing workshops on different aspects of short fiction writing.

See whatโ€™s coming up

Retreat West courses

I started my creative venture, Retreat West, in 2012 and run regular courses there too. I have a few group courses coming up over the Autumn-Winter of 2024/25 as well as several to work through by yourself in your own time. See all of the Retreat West courses here.

Click the images below to book my upcoming group courses.

Short Story Club - October 2024

Dig deep into the art and craft of short story writing. On the 1st of the month, you'll receive an in-depth craft development essay with a short story reading, writing exercises and a new work prompt.

There will be two Zoom sessions โ€” one to discuss and analyse the short story and the craft elements highlighted in the essay; the other for you to bring the story you have written for developmental feedback from the group.

Zoom Sessions

Session 1: 15.00-16.00 BST 09th October

Session 2: 14.30-16.30 BST 30th October

Flash Focus

Starts: 5th November 2024

This online flash fiction course is split into distinct creation and critique weeks. We'll be using stories that have won prizes as the inspiration for the craft discussion, analysis and prompt, to help you take your flash fiction writing to the next level.

  • Week 1: Every day from Monday to Friday, you'll get a workshop with craft development content, a reading and associated writing prompt. You'll just write without sharing and keep focused on creation mode.

  • Week 2: Every day from Monday to Friday, you'll share the stories you wrote in Week 1, one per day, for feedback from the group.

  • Week 3: Back in creation mode with 5 more craft posts and prompts to write to from Monday to Friday.

  • Week 4: The final week will be focused on critiques again.

All of the course content is online 24/7 for you to access when suits you best.

The Mini Novel Course

Starts: 13th January 2025

Get your novel started with this 6-week course designed to help you take your idea and turn it into a compelling novel with memorable characters living in a vivid world.

There are no writing rules, so this course won't provide a formula for writing a novel but will hopefully give you lots of inspiration and ways to make writing a draft of a novel quicker, easier and fun!

The course workshops are released weekly and are online 24/7 for you to access whenever suits you best. You can share work and get feedback from me and your course mates. You can also send in your opening chapter after the course ends for detailed developmental feedback.