It is truly constant; an absolute truth that all is alive; bring human is practicing the power of choice to lean into what is life affirming; even though it involves a little pain ❤️

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You can't have one without the other! 💙

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It’s so true that we’re all in a constant state of change and movement. Once we embrace that as the basis of life, it becomes easier to accept all the losses and challenges. Always a work in progress!

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Thanks for sharing this book and your experience. I didn’t know about till now but will check it out. Novelists can learn a lot from screenwriting, especially since movies have programmed audiences to expect a certain story arc.

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I think we can all learn from each other. The story arc was already in place in novels before the movie industry came along. But movies have definitely taken it to a new level!

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May 15Liked by Amanda Saint

I really like that second quote, Amanda, "a space that lies just outside of what we know about ourselves." I love it when my writing takes me to that space, and I notice when it doesn't, when I'm keeping my writing too controlled, too neat and tidy. Thanks for reminding of the possibilities inherent in writing.

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I’m almost a quarter of the way through the book now and it’s absolutely chock full of these insights. It’s been years since I read it in full and I’m a different me so the experience is even more powerful. I’m definitely going to let the wild and unknown come in to my writing!

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May 15Liked by Amanda Saint

It's so interesting to read books again after many years. We have changed and our experience of the book has also changed. Yes to the wild and unknown!

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