Can you believe I have not ever read anything by Alice Munro?! It's wonderful to explore the virtual memorial and to read your reflections on "Dimension." Definitely going on my reading list. Thank you.

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Jun 14Liked by Amanda Saint

I haven't read very much by her either Maia. I think this is because I'm just not a short story person. Maybe I should make an exception!

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Not a short story person?! Iā€™m on a mission now to make you one! šŸ˜‚

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Jun 15Liked by Amanda Saint

Ha! Youā€™re welcome to try:). Iā€™ve always wished I could like short stories more. I just feel like theyā€™re over too soon (maybe thatā€™s due to all the huge 18th and 19th century novels I read in graduate school!).

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It could be! It took me a while to really get into short stories but now theyā€™re my favourite thing to read and write, and I donā€™t like really long novels.

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There are so many authors to read we canā€™t have got them to all!

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Yes, we need stories that unite us, but we have to be careful not to kill diversity for it is the spice of us. We do not want all of us thinking alike. That will be the end of creativity.

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Having love and compassion for everyone, and understanding that underneath all the surface differences we are all the same fallible human beings searching for peace of mind, doesn't mean we all have to think alike. We couldnā€™t anyway as we are all completely unique expressions of humanity having our very own human experience.

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Beautiful! Loving this communal tribute.

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Thanks Holly šŸ˜Š

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Dimension is a jaw-dropping story, how unflinching and full of compassion it is, how the unexpected can carry you into a new life (Doree and the accident) of courage.

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