I loved this! Couldn't stop reading from beginning to end. Emily's contemplations on writing and mindfulness are, as always, utterly entrancing.

Emily, I find my writing subjects the same way as you; by listening and paying attention to what's going on around and inside me. Originally, I was keeping a list of possible subjects, and concerned about writing a couple of weeks ahead, but I found I never consulted the list and could trust that something would come to me.

Thanks for this great series, Amanda! Thanks, Emily! 🙏💚🩷

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Sep 3Liked by Amanda Saint

Thank you, Don:) And I'm glad to hear someone else writes "on the fly," so to speak. I can keep lists for longer form pieces but not for the Substack pieces. If I keep a list, the topics sort of get dry and lifeless. Then I haven't got the emotional impetus to write from them. They need to be like produce, fresh!

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Same, Emily! 😊

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Sep 3Liked by Amanda Saint


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I find mine like that too. I have lists of books and other things to share but the personal stuff just arises.

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Love it, and am not surprised:)

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This is wonderful. So good to get to know you a little better, Emily!

I really appreciate how you explore that word 'mindful' and go more deeply into what is true for you as a human and a writer. "Contemplative writing" is a beautiful practice, and you have given that phrase such a full rendering here, like a Monet painting with many shades of nuance. I look forward to reading more of your work.

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Sep 3Liked by Amanda Saint

Thank you so much, Maia. I really wanted to work out for myself how I came to that word.

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I had a similar experience in Amanda’s interview with me : )

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint

Her questions are really helpful!

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This is nice to hear! Maybe I should answer them myself...

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Sep 5Liked by Amanda Saint


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Outstanding!.... I love your writing and thoughts. I have enjoyed "finding" so many aligned, wonderful writers and poets here since starting Substack not long ago. I still carry a flip phone, don't do "social", IG, FB, etc. Jointed a wonderful, local writing group, started doing open mic nights... never would have guessed I'd be doing this, but it's my aligned, genuine purpose, I'm going and flowing with it! Flow State is real! I have written my entire life and have boxes of notes, journals, bits and scraps, old envelopes with ideas, poems, prompts, quotes, thoughts. Starting from the top down I'm going through them layer by layer. Doing my own historical, archaeological dig into my writing history and life. It's fascinating and some of it has already made its way to my open mic's... I love this!

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So nice to meet you, Steve. I too have found a wonderful community here, one that's helping me become a writer. Love that you do open mic's, although they scare me! Thanks for reading!

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint

A fascinating and thoughtful interview. Thank you, Amanda, for the questions and thank you, Emily, for the answers.

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Thanks Jeanne!

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint

Emily this is beautiful. Your absorbing and mindful presence is such joy in this substack community. I keep reading your words, sometimes silently, and they always touch me. Thank you for your being. 💜🌼

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint

Oh, thank you, Swarnali. Those words were such a gift to me this morning. They remind me to keep doing what I'm doing, keep "being." Very grateful to you for them!

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint


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So wise! I love your way of understanding the word 'contemplative', Emily - I am going to reflect on this. And swimming is definitely a contemplative practice for me too.

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Sep 4Liked by Amanda Saint

Thank you, Kate. I'm glad you're pondering "contemplative." And swimming, such a great practice. Every once in awhile, I see a woman who looks to be in her 80's still swimming laps and think, "I hope that's me some day."

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A wonderful interview. Lovely discovering other fellow wellness and mindful enthusiasts here on substack courtesy of the mindful writer.

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I’m glad you’re enjoying them 😊

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